1. R. M. Rosenberg and C. S. Hsu, On the geometrization of normal vibrations of nonlinear systems having many degrees of freedom, to be published in the Proceedings, IUTAM International Symposium on Nonlinear Oscillations, Kiev, U.S.S.R., September 1961.
2. A. D. Miishkes, On the exactness of approximate methods of analyzing small nonlinear vibrations of one degree of freedom, in "Dynamic problems, Collected Papers," vol. 1, Riga, 1953, p. 139 (in Russian).
3. J. N. McDuff and J. R. Curreri, Vibration control, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958, p. 72.
4. Nichtlineare Mechanik
5. Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1;Landau, L. D.,1960