Asymptotic boundary KZB equations describe the consistency conditions of degenerations of correlation functions for boundary Wess-Zumino-Witten-Novikov conformal field theory on a cylinder. In the first part of the paper we define asymptotic boundary KZB operators for connected real semisimple Lie groups
with finite center. We prove their main properties algebraically using coordinate versions of Harish-Chandra’s radial component map. We show that their commutativity is governed by a system of equations involving coupled versions of classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equations and reflection equations.
We use the coordinate radial components maps to introduce a new class of quantum superintegrable systems, called quantum Calogero-Moser spin chains. A quantum Calogero-Moser spin chain is a mixture of a quantum spin Calogero-Moser system associated to the restricted root system of
and a one-dimensional spin chain with two-sided reflecting boundaries. The asymptotic boundary KZB operators provide explicit expressions for its first-order quantum Hamiltonians. We also explicitly describe the Schrödinger operator.