An analytic version of the Langlands correspondence for complex curves


Etingof Pavel,Frenkel Edward,Kazhdan David


The Langlands correspondence for complex curves is traditionally formulated in terms of sheaves rather than functions. Recently, Langlands asked whether it is possible to construct a function-theoretic version. In this paper we use the algebra of commuting global differential operators (quantum Hitchin Hamiltonians and their complex conjugates) on the moduli space of G G -bundles of a complex algebraic curve to formulate a function-theoretic correspondence. We conjecture the existence of a canonical self-adjoint extension of the symmetric part of this algebra acting on an appropriate Hilbert space and link its spectrum with the set of opers for the Langlands dual group of G G satisfying a certain reality condition, as predicted earlier by Teschner. We prove this conjecture for G = G L 1 G=GL_1 and in the simplest non-abelian case.


American Mathematical Society

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