A higher Gross–Zagier formula and the structure of Selmer groups


Kim Chan-Ho


We describe a Kolyvagin system-theoretic refinement of Gross–Zagier formula by comparing Heegner point Kolyvagin systems with Kurihara numbers when the root number of a rational elliptic curve E E over an imaginary quadratic field K K is 1 -1 . When the root number of E E over K K is 1, we first establish the structure theorem of the p p^\infty -Selmer group of E E over K K . The description is given by the values of certain families of quaternionic automorphic forms, which is a part of bipartite Euler systems. By comparing bipartite Euler systems with Kurihara numbers, we also obtain an analogous refinement of Waldspurger formula. No low analytic rank assumption is imposed in both refinements.

We also prove the equivalence between the non-triviality of various “Kolyvagin systems” and the corresponding main conjecture localized at the augmentation ideal. As consequences, we obtain new applications of (weaker versions of) the Heegner point main conjecture and the anticyclotomic main conjecture to the structure of p p^\infty -Selmer groups of elliptic curves of arbitrary rank. In particular, the Heegner point main conjecture localized at the augmentation ideal implies the strong rank one p p -converse to the theorem of Gross–Zagier and Kolyvagin.


National Research Foundation of Korea


American Mathematical Society (AMS)

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