1. J. A. de Segner, “Methodus simplex et universalis, omnes omnium aequationum radices detegendi,” Akad. Nauk, S.S.S.R., Leningrad, Novi Commentarii Acad. Sc. Imp. Petrop., v. 7, 1758, p. 211-226.
2. J. Rowning, “Directions for making a machine for finding the roots of equations universally, with the manner of using it,” R. So. London, Trans., v. 60, 1770, p. 240-256.
3. R. Mehmke, “Numerisches Rechnen,” Encykl. d. Math. Wiss., v. 1, part 2, 1902, p. 1067-1073. French ed. by M. d’Ocagne, Encycl. d. Sci. Math., tome 1, v. 4, fasc. 3, 1909, p. 339-340, 432-446.
4. R. E. Moritz, “Some physical solutions of the general equation of the 𝑛th degree,” Annals Math., s. 2, v. 6, 1905, p. 112-126.
5. I. Ghersi, Matematica dilettevole e curiosa, (Manuali Hoepli), Milano 1913, p. 244-249, “Metodi fisici per la soluzione dei sistemi di equazioni algebriche."