Infinite-dimensional Jacobi matrices associated with Julia sets


Barnsley M. F.,Geronimo J. S.,Harrington A. N.


Let B B be the Julia set associated with the polynomial T z = z N + k 1 z N 1 + + k N Tz = {z^N} + {k_1}{z^{N - 1}} + \cdots + {k_N} , and let μ \mu be the balanced T T -invariant measure on B B . Assuming B B is totally real, we give relations among the entries in the infinite-dimensional Jacobi matrix J J whose spectral measure is μ \mu . The specific example T z = z 3 λ z Tz = {z^3} - \lambda z is given, and some of the asymptotic properties of the entries in J J are presented.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference8 articles.

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5. Invariant sets under iteration of rational functions;Brolin, Hans;Ark. Mat.,1965

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