On Gromov’s scalar curvature conjecture


Bolotov Dmitry,Dranishnikov Alexander


We prove the Gromov conjecture on the macroscopic dimension of the universal covering of a closed spin manifold with a positive scalar curvature under the following assumptions on the fundamental group.

0.1 0.1 . Theorem. Suppose that a discrete group π \pi has the following properties:

1 1 . The Strong Novikov Conjecture holds for π \pi .

2 2 . The natural map p e r : k o n ( B π ) K O n ( B π ) per:ko_n(B\pi )\to KO_n(B\pi ) is injective. Then the Gromov Macroscopic Dimension Conjecture holds true for spin n n -manifolds M M with the fundamental groups π 1 ( M ) \pi _1(M) that contain π \pi as a finite index subgroup.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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1. Classifying sufficiently connected PSC manifolds in 4 and 5 dimensions;Geometry & Topology;2023-06-15

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