Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of generalized Block type


Osborn J.,Zhao Kaiming


This paper investigates a class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras over a field of characteristic 0 0 which are called here Lie algebras of generalized Block type, and which genereralize a class of Lie algebras originally defined by Richard Block. Under certain natural restrictions, this class of Lie algebras is shown to break into five subclasses. One of these subclasses contains all generalized Cartan type K K Lie algebras and some Lie algebras of generalized Cartan type H H , and a second one is the class of Lie algebras of type L L , which were previously defined and studied elsewhere by the authors. The other three types are hybrids of the first two types, and are new.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference7 articles.

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1. Simple non-weight modules over Lie superalgebras of Block type;SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica;2023-11-20

2. Biderivations of a Lie algebra of Block type and applications;Communications in Algebra;2023-05-16

3. Transposed Poisson structures on Block Lie algebras and superalgebras;Linear Algebra and its Applications;2023-01

4. On modified $$B$$KP systems and generalizations;Theoretical and Mathematical Physics;2021-12

5. 2-Local superderivations on the Lie superalgebra of Block type;Linear and Multilinear Algebra;2021-07-22







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