Asymptotic integrations of nonoscillatory second order differential equations


Chen Shao Zhu


The linear differential equation (1) ( r ( t ) x ) + ( f ( t ) + q ( t ) ) x = 0 (r(t)x’)’ + (f(t) + q(t))x= 0 is viewed as a perturbation of the equation (2) ( r ( t ) y ) + ( f ( t ) y = 0 (r(t)y’)’ + (f(t)y = 0 , where r > 0 r > 0 , f f and q q are real-valued continuous functions. Suppose that (2) is nonoscillatory at infinity and y 1 {y_1} , y 2 {y_2} are principal, nonprincipal solutions of (2), respectively. Adapted Riccati techniques are used to obtain an asymptotic integration for the principal solution x 1 {x_1} of (1). Under some mild assumptions, we characterize that (1) has a principal solution x 1 {x_1} satisfying x 1 = y 1 ( 1 + o ( 1 ) ) {x_1}= {y_1}(1 + o(1)) . Sufficient (sometimes necessary) conditions under which the nonprincipal solution x 2 {x_2} of (1) behaves, in three different degrees, like y 2 {y_2} as t t \to \infty are also established.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference8 articles.

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2. Principal and Nonprincipal Solutions of Impulsive Dynamic Equations: Leighton and Wong Type Oscillation Theorems;Acta Applicandae Mathematicae;2023-10-17

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5. Wong’s Oscillation Theorem for the Second-Order Delay Differential Equations;Journal of Mathematical Sciences;2017-03-09







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