The atomic decomposition of Besov-Bergman-Lipschitz spaces


De Souza Geraldo Soares


Let b b denote a special atom, b : [ π , π ) R , b ( t ) = 1 / 2 π b:[ - \pi ,\pi ) \to R,\;b(t) = 1/2\pi or, for any interval I  in  [ π , π ) I{\text { in }}[ - \pi ,\pi )\; b ( t ) = | I | 1 / p X R ( t ) + | I | 1 / p X L ( t ) b(t) = - {\left | I \right |^{ - 1/p}}\mathcal {X}R(t) + {\left | I \right |^{ - 1/p}}\mathcal {X}L(t) L L is the left half of I I , R R is the right half, | I | \left | I \right | denotes the length of I I and X E \mathcal {X}E the characteristic function of E E . For 1 / 2 > p > 1/2 > p > \infty , let ( b n ) ({b_n}) be special atoms and ( c n ) ({c_n}) a sequence of real numbers; then we define the space \[ B p = { f : [ π , π ) R ; f ( t ) = n = 1 c n b n ( t ) , n = 1 | c n | > } {B^p} = \left \{ {f:[ - \pi ,\pi ) \to R;f(t) = \sum \limits _{n = 1}^\infty {{c_n}{b_n}(t),} \sum \limits _{n = 1}^\infty {\left | {{c_n}} \right | > \infty } } \right \} \] . We endow B p {B^p} with the norm f B P = Inf n = 1 | c n | {\left \| f \right \|_{{B^P}}} = {\text {Inf}}\sum \nolimits _{n = 1}^\infty {\left | {{c_n}} \right |} , where the infimum is taken over all possible representations of f f . In the early 1960s, the following spaces were introduced, now known as Besov-Bergman-Lipschitz spaces. For 0 > α > 1 0 > \alpha > 1 , 1 r 1 \leq r , s s \leq \infty , let \[ Λ ( α , r , s ) = { f : [ π , π ) R , f Λ ( α , r , s ) = f r + ( π π ( f ( x + t ) f ( x ) r ) s | t | 1 + α s d t ) 1 / s > } \Lambda (\alpha ,r,s) = \left \{ {f:[ - \pi ,\pi ) \to R,{{\left \| f \right \|}_{\Lambda (\alpha ,r,s)}} = {{\left \| f \right \|}_r} + {{\left ( {\int _{ - \pi }^\pi {\frac {{{{({{\left \| {f(x + t) - f(x)} \right \|}_r})}^s}}}{{{{\left | t \right |}^{1 + \alpha s}}}}dt} } \right )}^{1/s}} > \infty } \right \} \] where | | | | r ||\;|{|_r} is the Lebesgue space L r {L^r} -norm. Now we write down the main theorem of this paper which is as follows. THEOREM f B P f \in {B^P} for 1 > p > 1 > p > \infty if and only if f Λ ( 1 1 / p , 1 , 1 ) f \in \Lambda (1 - 1/p,1,1) . Moreover, there are absolute constants M M and N N such that \[ N f B p f Λ ( 1 1 / p , 1 , 1 ) M f B p N{\left \| f \right \|_{{B^p}}} \leq {\left \| f \right \|_{\Lambda (1 - 1/p,1,1)}} \leq M{\left \| f \right \|_{{B^p}}} \] .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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