The Cohen-Macaulay property in derived commutative algebra


Shaul Liran


By extending some basic results of Grothendieck and Foxby about local cohomology to commutative DG-rings, we prove new amplitude inequalities about finite DG-modules of finite injective dimension over commutative local DG-rings, complementing results of Jørgensen and resolving a recent conjecture of Minamoto. When these inequalities are equalities, we arrive at the notion of a local-Cohen-Macaulay DG-ring. We make a detailed study of this notion, showing that much of the classical theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings and modules can be generalized to the derived setting, and that there are many natural examples of local-Cohen-Macaulay DG-rings. In particular, local Gorenstein DG-rings are local-Cohen-Macaulay. Our work is in a non-positive cohomological situation, allowing the Cohen-Macaulay condition to be introduced to derived algebraic geometry, but we also discuss extensions of it to non-negative DG-rings, which could lead to the concept of Cohen-Macaulayness in topology.


Israel Science Foundation


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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Cited by 9 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Lifting (co)stratifications between tensor triangulated categories;Israel Journal of Mathematics;2023-11-29

2. Local Cohen–Macaulay DG-Modules;Applied Categorical Structures;2023-01-03

3. Cohomological dimension of DG-modules;Journal of Algebra and Its Applications;2022-12-28

4. COSUPPORT FOR COMPACTLY GENERATED TRIANGULATED CATEGORIES;Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society;2022-12-13

5. Open loci results for commutative DG-rings;Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra;2022-05







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