Parametrizations of 𝐺_{𝛿}-valued multifunctions


Sarbadhikari H.,Srivastava S. M.


Let T, X be Polish spaces, J \mathcal {J} a countably generated sub- σ \sigma -field of B T {\mathcal {B}_T} , the Borel σ \sigma -field of T, and F : T X F:\,T\, \to \,X a multifunction such that F ( t ) F(t) is a G δ {G_\delta } in X for each t T t\, \in \,T . F is J \mathcal {J} -measurable and Gr ( F ) J B X {\text {Gr}}(F)\, \in \,J\, \otimes \,{\mathcal {B}_X} , where Gr ( F ) {\text {Gr}}(F) denotes the graph of F. We prove the following three results on F. (I) There is a map f : T × Σ X f:\,T\, \times \,\Sigma \, \to \,X such that for each t T , f ( t , ) t\, \in \,T,\,f(t,\, \cdot ) is a continuous, open map from Σ \Sigma onto F ( t ) F(t) and for each σ Σ , f ( , σ ) \sigma \, \in \,\Sigma ,\,f( \cdot ,\,\sigma ) is J \mathcal {J} -measurable, where Σ \Sigma is the space of irrationals. (II) The multifunction F is of Souslin type. (III) If X is uncountable and F ( t ) , t T F(t),\,t\, \in \,T , are all dense-in-itself then there is a J B X \mathcal {J}\, \otimes \,{\mathcal {B} _X} -measurable map f : T × X X f:\,T\, \times \,X\, \to \,X such that for each t T , f ( t , ) t\, \in \,T,\,f(t,\, \cdot ) is a Borel isomorphism of X onto F ( t ) F(t) .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference16 articles.

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