An extremal decomposition problem for harmonic measure


Dubinin Vladimir,Vuorinen Matti


Let E E be a continuum in the closed unit disk | z | 1 |z|\le 1 of the complex z z -plane which divides the open disk | z | > 1 |z| > 1 into n 2 n\ge 2 pairwise nonintersecting simply connected domains D k D_k such that each of the domains D k D_k contains some point a k a_k on a prescribed circle | z | = ρ |z| = \rho , 0 > ρ > 1 , k = 1 , , n . 0 >\rho >1\, , \, k=1,\dots ,n\,. It is shown that for some increasing function Ψ , \Psi \,, independent of E E and the choice of the points a k , a_k, the mean value of the harmonic measures \[ Ψ 1 [ 1 n k = 1 k Ψ ( ω ( a k , E , D k ) ) ] \Psi ^{-1}\left [ \frac {1}{n} \sum _{k=1}^{k} \Psi ( \omega (a_k,E, D_k))\right ] \] is greater than or equal to the harmonic measure ω ( ρ , E , D ) , \omega (\rho , E^* , D^*)\,, where E = { z : z n [ 1 , 0 ] } E^* = \{ z: z^n \in [-1,0] \} and D = { z : | z | > 1 , | arg z | > π / n } . D^* =\{ z: |z|>1, |\textrm {arg}\, z| > \pi /n\} \,. This implies, for instance, a solution to a problem of R. W. Barnard, L. Cole, and A. Yu. Solynin concerning a lower estimate of the quantity inf E max k = 1 , , n ω ( a k , E , D k ) \inf _{E} \max _{k=1,\dots ,n} \omega (a_k,E, D_k)\, for arbitrary points of the circle | z | = ρ . |z| = \rho \,. These authors stated this hypothesis in the particular case when the points are equally distributed on the circle | z | = ρ . |z| = \rho \,.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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