Detecting surface bundles in finite covers of hyperbolic closed 3-manifolds


Renard Claire


The main theorem of this article provides sufficient conditions for a degree d d finite cover M M’ of a hyperbolic 3-manifold M M to be a surface bundle. Let F F be an embedded, closed and orientable surface of genus g g , close to a minimal surface in the cover M M’ , splitting M M’ into a disjoint union of q q handlebodies and compression bodies. We show that there exists a fiber in the complement of F F provided that d d , q q and g g satisfy some inequality involving an explicit constant k k depending only on the volume and the injectivity radius of M M . In particular, this theorem applies to a Heegaard splitting of a finite covering M M’ , giving an explicit lower bound for the genus of a strongly irreducible Heegaard splitting of M M’ . Applying the main theorem to the setting of a circular decomposition associated to a non-trivial homology class of M M gives sufficient conditions for this homology class to correspond to a fibration over the circle. Similar methods also lead to a sufficient condition for an incompressible embedded surface in M M to be a fiber.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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1. Epimorphisms of 3-manifold groups;The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics;2018-03-02

2. Morse area and Scharlemann–Thompson width for hyperbolic 3-manifolds;Pacific Journal of Mathematics;2016-02-09







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