Local existence of 𝒦-sets, projective tensor products, and Arens regularity for 𝒜(ℰ₁+…+ℰ_{𝓃})


Graham Colin


Theorem. If X 1 , , X n X_{1},\dots ,X_{n} are perfect compact subsets of the locally compact metrizable abelian group, then there are pairwise disjoint perfect subsets Y 1 X 1 , , Y n X n Y_{1}\subseteq X_{1},\dots ,Y_{n}\subseteq X_{n} such that (i) Y j Y_{j} is either a Kronecker set or (ii) for some p j 2 p_{j}\ge 2 , Y j Y_{j} is a translate of a K p j K_{p_{j}} -set all of whose elements have order p j p_{j} , and (iii) A ( Y 1 + + Y n ) A(Y_{1}+\dots +Y_{n}) is isomorphic to the projective tensor product C ( Y 1 ) ^ ^ C ( Y n ) C(Y_{1}) \hat \otimes \cdots \hat \otimes C(Y_{n}) . This extends what was previously known for groups such as T \mathbb {T} or for the case n = 2 n=2 to the general locally compact abelian group. Old results concerning the local existence of Kronecker and K p K_{p} -sets are improved.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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