Derivations with invertible values on a multilinear polynomial


Lee Tsiu Kwen


Let R R be a semiprime K K -algebra with unity, d d a nonzero derivation of R R , and f ( x 1 , , x t ) f({x_1}, \ldots ,{x_t}) a monic multilinear polynomial over K K such that d ( f ( a 1 , , a t ) ) 0 d(f({a_1}, \ldots ,{a_t})) \ne 0 for some a 1 , , a t R {a_1}, \ldots ,{a_t} \in R . It is shown that if for every r 1 , , r t {r_1}, \ldots ,{r_t} in R R either d ( f ( r 1 , , r t ) ) = 0 d(f({r_1}, \ldots ,{r_t})) = 0 or d ( f ( r 1 , , r t ) ) d(f({r_1}, \ldots ,{r_t})) is invertible in R R , then R R is either a division ring D D or M 2 ( D ) {M_2}(D) , the ring of 2 × 2 2 \times 2 matrices over D D , unless f ( x 1 , , x t ) f({x_1}, \ldots ,{x_t}) is a central polynomial for R R . Moreover, if R = M 2 ( D ) R = {M_2}(D) , where 2 R 0 2R \ne 0 and f ( x 1 , , x t ) f({x_1}, \ldots ,{x_t}) is not a central polynomial for D D , then d d is an inner derivation of R R .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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1. Central Values of X-generalized Skew Derivations on Right Ideals in Prime Rings;Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics;2022

2. Jordan Product Preserving Generalized Skew Derivations on Lie Ideals;Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics;2022

3. m-potent commutators involving skew derivations and multilinear polynomials;Georgian Mathematical Journal;2020-07-16

4. Derivations vanishing on commutator identity involving generalized derivation on multilinear polynomials in prime rings;Communications in Algebra;2018-11-19

5. Generalized skew derivations with centralizer conditions on multilinear polynomials;Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry;2017-06-17







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