A note on some properties of 𝐴-functions


Sarbadhikari H.


This note deals with ( M , ) ({\mathbf {M}},\ast ) functions for various families M {\mathbf {M}} . It is shown that if M {\mathbf {M}} is the family of Borel sets of additive class α \alpha on a metric space X X , then ( M , ) ({\mathbf {M}},\ast ) functions are just the functions of the form sup y g ( x , y ) {\sup _y}g(x,y) where g : X × R R g:X \times R \to R is continuous in y y and of class α \alpha in x x . If M {\mathbf {M}} is the class of analytic sets in a Polish space X X , then the ( M , ) ({\mathbf {M}},\ast ) functions dominating a Borel function are just the functions sup y g ( x , y ) {\sup _y}g(x,y) where g g is a real valued Borel function on X 2 {X^2} . It is also shown that there is an A A -function f f defined on an uncountable Polish space X X and an analytic subset C C of the real line such that f 1 ( C ) {f^{ - 1}}(C) \notin the σ \sigma -algebra generated by the analytic sets on X X .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference4 articles.

1. Felix Hausdorff, Mengenlehre, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1937; English transl., Set theory, Chelsea, New York, 1957. MR 19, 111.

2. K. Kunugui, Sur un théorème d’existence dans la théorie des ensembles projectifs, Fund. Math. 29 (1937), 167-181.

3. E. Sélivanowski, Sur une classe d’ensembles définis par une infinité dénombrable de conditions, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 184 (1927), 1311.








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