Free boundary problems via Sakai’s theorem


Vardakis D.,Volberg A.


A Schwarz function on an open domain Ω \Omega is a holomorphic function satisfying S ( ζ ) = ζ ¯ S(\zeta )=\overline {\zeta } on Γ \Gamma , which is part of the boundary of Ω \Omega . Sakai in 1991 gave a complete characterization of the boundary of a domain admitting a Schwarz function. In fact, if Ω \Omega is simply connected and Γ = Ω D ( ζ , r ) \Gamma =\partial \Omega \cap D(\zeta ,r) , then Γ \Gamma has to be regular real analytic. This paper is an attempt to describe  Γ \Gamma when the boundary condition is slightly relaxed. In particular, three different scenarios over a simply connected domain Ω \Omega are treated: when f 1 ( ζ ) = ζ ¯ f 2 ( ζ ) f_1(\zeta )=\overline {\zeta }f_2(\zeta ) on Γ \Gamma with f 1 , f 2 f_1,f_2 holomorphic and continuous up to the boundary, when U / V \mathcal {U}/\mathcal {V} equals certain real analytic function on Γ \Gamma with U , V \mathcal {U},\mathcal {V} positive and harmonic on Ω \Omega and vanishing on Γ \Gamma , and when S ( ζ ) = Φ ( ζ , ζ ¯ ) S(\zeta )=\Phi (\zeta ,\overline {\zeta }) on Γ \Gamma with Φ \Phi a holomorphic function of two variables. It turns out that the boundary piece Γ \Gamma can be, respectively, anything from  C C^\infty to merely  C 1 C^1 , regular except finitely many points, or regular except for a measure zero set.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

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