Do some nontrivial closed 𝑧-invariant subspaces have the division property?


Esterle J.


Banach spaces E E of functions holomorphic on the open unit disk D \mathbb {D} are considered such that the unilateral shift S S and the backward shift T T are bounded on E E . Under the assumption that the spectra of S S and T T are equal to the closed unit disk, the existence is discussed of closed z z -invariant subspaces  N N of  E E having the “division property,” which means that the function f λ : z f ( z ) z λ f_{\lambda }\colon z \mapsto \frac {f(z)}{z-\lambda } belongs to N N for every λ D \lambda \in \mathbb {D} and for every f N f \in N with f ( λ ) = 0 f(\lambda )=0 . This question is related to the existence of nontrivial bi-invariant subspaces of Banach spaces of hyperfunctions on the unit circle  T \mathbb {T} .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

Reference29 articles.

1. Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators;Ambrozie, Călin;J. Funct. Anal.,2004

2. Entire functions, invariant subspaces and Fourier transforms;Atzmon, Aharon,1997

3. Factorization theorems and the structure of operators on Hilbert space;Bercovici, Hari;Ann. of Math. (2),1988

4. Complex Analysis and Special Topics in Harmonic Analysis

5. Boundary uniqueness theorems for almost analytic functions, and asymmetric algebras of sequences;Borichev, A. A.;Mat. Sb. (N.S.),1988







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