Freeness and 𝑆-arithmeticity of rational Möbius groups


Detinko A.,Flannery D.,Hulpke A.


We initiate a new, computational approach to a classical problem: certifying non-freeness of ( 2 2 -generator, parabolic) Möbius subgroups of SL ( 2 , Q ) \operatorname {SL}(2,\mathbb {Q}) . The main tools used are algorithms for Zariski dense groups and algorithms to compute a presentation of SL ( 2 , R ) \operatorname {SL}(2, R) for a localization R = Z [ 1 b ] R= \mathbb {Z}[\frac {1}{b}] of Z \mathbb {Z} . We prove that a Möbius group G SL ( 2 , R ) G\leq \operatorname {SL}(2,R) is not free by showing that it has finite index in SL ( 2 , R ) \operatorname {SL}(2, R) . Further information about the structure of G G is obtained; for example, we compute the minimal subgroup of finite index in SL ( 2 , R ) \operatorname {SL}(2,R) containing G G .


American Mathematical Society

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