Multiradical isogenies


Castryck Wouter,Decru Thomas


We argue that for all integers N 2 N \geq 2 and g 1 g \geq 1 there exist “multiradical” isogeny formulae, that can be iteratively applied to compute ( N k , , N k ) (N^k, \ldots , N^k) -isogenies between principally polarized g g -dimensional abelian varieties, for any value of k 2 k \geq 2 . The formulae are complete: each iteration involves the extraction of g ( g + 1 ) / 2 g(g+1)/2 different N N th roots, whence the epithet multiradical, and by varying which roots are chosen one computes all N g ( g + 1 ) / 2 N^{g(g+1)/2} extensions to an ( N k , , N k ) (N^k, \ldots , N^k) -isogeny of the incoming ( N k 1 , , N k 1 ) (N^{k-1}, \ldots , N^{k-1}) -isogeny. Our group-theoretic argumentation is heuristic, but it is supported by concrete formulae for several prominent families. As our main application, we illustrate the use of multiradical isogenies by implementing a hash function from ( 3 , 3 ) (3,3) -isogenies between Jacobians of superspecial genus- 2 2 curves, showing that it outperforms its ( 2 , 2 ) (2,2) -counterpart by an asymptotic factor 9 \approx 9 in terms of speed.


American Mathematical Society

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