Random polynomials with prescribed Newton polytope


Shiffman Bernard,Zelditch Steve


The Newton polytope P f P_f of a polynomial f f is well known to have a strong impact on its behavior. The Bernstein-Kouchnirenko Theorem asserts that even the number of simultaneous zeros in ( C ) m (\mathbb {C}^*)^m of a system of m m polynomials depends on their Newton polytopes. In this article, we show that Newton polytopes also have a strong impact on the distribution of zeros and pointwise norms of polynomials, the basic theme being that Newton polytopes determine allowed and forbidden regions in ( C ) m (\mathbb {C}^*)^m for these distributions. Our results are statistical and asymptotic in the degree of the polynomials. We equip the space of polynomials of degree p \leq p in m m complex variables with its usual SU ( m + 1 ) (m+1) -invariant Gaussian probability measure and then consider the conditional measure induced on the subspace of polynomials with fixed Newton polytope P P . We then determine the asymptotics of the conditional expectation E | N P ( Z f 1 , , f k ) \mathbf {E}_{|N P}(Z_{f_1, \dots , f_k}) of simultaneous zeros of k k polynomials with Newton polytope N P NP as N N \to \infty . When P = Σ P = \Sigma , the unit simplex, it is clear that the expected zero distributions E | N Σ ( Z f 1 , , f k ) \mathbf {E}_{|N\Sigma }(Z_{f_1, \dots , f_k}) are uniform relative to the Fubini-Study form. For a convex polytope P p Σ P\subset p\Sigma , we show that there is an allowed region on which N k E | N P ( Z f 1 , , f k ) N^{-k}\mathbf {E}_{|N P}(Z_{f_1, \dots , f_k}) is asymptotically uniform as the scaling factor N N\to \infty . However, the zeros have an exotic distribution in the complementary forbidden region and when k = m k = m (the case of the Bernstein-Kouchnirenko Theorem), the expected percentage of simultaneous zeros in the forbidden region approaches 0 as N N\to \infty .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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