Convergence of the linearized Bregman iteration for ℓ₁-norm minimization


Cai Jian-Feng,Osher Stanley,Shen Zuowei


One of the key steps in compressed sensing is to solve the basis pursuit problem min u R n { u 1 : A u = f } \min _{u\in \mathbb {R}^n}\{\|u\|_1:Au=f\} . Bregman iteration was very successfully used to solve this problem in [40]. Also, a simple and fast iterative algorithm based on linearized Bregman iteration was proposed in [40], which is described in detail with numerical simulations in [35]. A convergence analysis of the smoothed version of this algorithm was given in [11]. The purpose of this paper is to prove that the linearized Bregman iteration proposed in [40] for the basis pursuit problem indeed converges.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory

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