The determination of Galois groups


Stauduhar Richard P.


A technique is described for the nontentative computer determination of the Galois groups of irreducible polynomials with integer coefficients. The technique for a given polynomial involves finding high-precision approximations to the roots of the polynomial, and fixing an ordering for these roots. The roots are then used to create resolvent polynomials of relatively small degree, the linear factors of which determine new orderings for the roots. Sequences of these resolvents isolate the Galois group of the polynomial. Machine implementation of the technique requires the use of multiple-precision integer and multiple-precision real and complex floating-point arithmetic. Using this technique, the writer has developed programs for the determination of the Galois groups of polynomials of degree N 7 N \leqq 7 . Two exemplary calculations are given.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory

Reference9 articles.

1. On the Euler and Bernoulli polynomials;Brillhart, John;J. Reine Angew. Math.,1969

2. W. Burnside, Theory of Groups of Finite Order, Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1897.

3. A. Cayley, "On the substitution groups for two, three,. . ., eight letters," Quart. J. Pure Appl. Math., v. 25, 1891, pp. 71-88, 137-155.

4. Note on the substitution groups of six, seven, and eight letters;Cole, F. N.;Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,1893

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