Γ-convergence for a fault model with slip-weakening friction and periodic barriers


Ionescu Ioan,Onofrei Daniel,Vernescu Bogdan


We consider a three-dimensional elastic body with a plane fault under a slip-weakening friction. The fault has ϵ \epsilon -periodically distributed holes, called (small-scale) barriers. This problem arises in the modeling of the earthquake nucleation on a large-scale fault. In each ϵ \epsilon -square of the ϵ \epsilon -lattice on the fault plane, the friction contact is considered outside an open set T ϵ T_\epsilon (small-scale barrier) of size r ϵ > ϵ r_\epsilon >\epsilon , compactly inclosed in the ϵ \epsilon -square. The solution of each ϵ \epsilon -problem is found as local minima for an energy with both bulk and surface terms. The first eigenvalue of a symmetric and compact operator K ϵ K^\epsilon provides information about the stability of the solution. Using Γ \Gamma -convergence techniques, we study the asymptotic behavior as ϵ \epsilon tends to 0 0 for the friction contact problem. Depending on the values of c =: lim ϵ 0 r ϵ / ϵ 2 c=:\lim _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} r_\epsilon /\epsilon ^2 we obtain different limit problems. The asymptotic analysis for the associated spectral problem is performed using G G -convergence for the sequence of operators K ϵ K^\epsilon . The limits of the eigenvalue sequences and the associated eigenvectors are eigenvalues and respectively eigenvectors of a limit operator. From the physical point of view our result can be interpreted as follows: i) if the barriers are too large (i.e. c = c = \infty ), then the fault is locked (no slip), ii) if c > 0 c >0 , then the fault behaves as a fault under a slip-dependent friction. The slip weakening rate of the equivalent fault is smaller than the undisturbed fault. Since the limit slip-weakening rate may be negative, a slip-hardening effect can also be expected. iii) if the barriers are too small (i.e. c = 0 c=0 ), then the presence of the barriers does not affect the friction law on the limit fault.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics

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