Tadesse Tesfaye,Gure Abera,Kedir Kassim
ABSTRACT. In this study, physicochemical properties and microbial loads of raw and sterilized cow milks of Jimma town, Ethiopia, were investigated. Raw and sterilized milk samples were collected from milk venders and local market, respectively. Standard methods were used for analysis of both physicochemical and microbial loads of the samples. The results of the study showed that physicochemical properties of the studied milk samples were within the recommended values. The total bacteria count (TBC) and coliform count (CC) of raw milk samples were above the recommended values, whereas their values in the sterilized milk sample were comparable with the recommended values. However, the yeast and mould count (YMC) of the studied milk samples were comparable with their recommended values. ANOVA (p < 0.05) results showed the presence of significant differences in the physicochemical properties such as temperature, pH, titratable acidity, total solids, solids not fat, protein, fat, lactose, total bacteria count and coliform count among the studied milk samples. In general, the studied raw and sterilized milk samples had acceptable physicochemical properties. However, the TBC and CC of the raw milk samples were above their respective recommended values, which might be attributed to the low hygienic practices of the venders.
KEYWORDS: Raw and sterilized cow milks, Physicochemical properties, Microbial load
Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2023, 37(3), 553-563.
African Journals Online (AJOL)
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