BACKGROUND: This study is aimed to introduce a new technique used in controlling the postpartum bleeding during normal vaginal delivery.
METHODS: This study was conducted on 150 pregnant women aged 18 years or more who were eligible for normal vaginal delivery. After placental delivery, Mostafa Maged maneuver was applied. The amount of blood loss was estimated by counting the number of pads immediately before applying the maneuver compared to the number of pads immediately after applying the maneuver to determine the effectiveness of the Mostafa Maged maneuver.
RESULTS: The study revealed that 15.3% of the study group had atony, and 23.3% were complicated with postpartum hemorrhage. In terms of blood loss, the average number of pads used before Mostafa Maged compression was (2.8) pads, with a range of 1 to 6 pads. The mean blood loss volume was (353.3±158.5) ml ranging between 125 and 750 ml. we should consider that Mostafa Maged maneuver is immediately applied after placental delivery. That is why small amount of 125 ml of blood loss in few patients is estimated, which decreased to (0.54±0.14) pads ranging between 0.5 and 1 pad with a mean (65.2±17.7) ml blood loss ranging between 60 and 125 ml after applying Mostafa Maged maneuver during normal vaginal delivery. There was a statistical decrease in the number of pads and volume of blood loss after Mostafa Maged maneuver.
CONCLUSION: Mostafa Maged maneuver was found to be effective in stopping and preventing postpartum bleeding during vaginal delivery as this maneuver is used as a prophylaxis against post-partum hemorrhage in patients with risk factors of post-partum hemorrhage. It is also used to control post-partum hemorrhage during vaginal delivery. It has been proven to be tolerable, easy to learn and easy to perform.
African Journals Online (AJOL)