F. J Ogbozige,M. A Toko,C.C Arawo
The lack of standard water analysis equipment as well as inadequate trained personnel especially in the developing countries has discouraged many researchers in such countries to execute water quality researches. Hence, this paper presents developed mathematical relationship among some physicochemical parameters in order to aid the determination of the concentrations of certain parameters with the use of minimal equipment. This was achieved by weekly analyzing 7 physicochemical parameters of two sources of potable water (tap water and borehole water) stored in different containers for a period of 6 weeks using standard methods. The storage containers used were black plastic tank, blue plastic tank, green plastic tank, coated steel metal tank, uncoated steel metal tank and clay pot. The parameters examined were turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, alkalinity, chloride ion (Cl-), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total hardness. Results showed that the relationship between electrical conductivity (EC), alkalinity (Alk), total hardness (TH) and chloride ion (Cl-) is given as; EC = -224.8066493 + 6.244028022(Alk) + 0.28204735(TH) + 0.000518108(Cl-). A programing language was written on the models using Visual Basic.Net (VB.Net) version 2018.
Keywords: Water, Physicochemical, Parameters, Function, Equation.
African Journals Online (AJOL)
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4 articles.