Kafta-Sheraro National Park in Northwest Ethiopia: Exceptional Resource Values, Principal Ecosystem Components and Human-induced Threats


Asefa Addisu,Gizaw Gebremeskel,Atsibah Teshale,Almaw Rezenom,Getahun Abiy,Tekletsadik Shimelis,Welay Kinfe


Globally, protected areas such as national parks are mainly established to protect the rapidly declining populations of conservation concern wildlife species, as well as ecologically and economically important areas. In addition, more recently, establishing and maintaining protected areas has become an essential part of the global response of governments to combat climate change and its impacts. However, most of these protected areas are facing an unprecedented rate of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation due to human-induced actions. Mitigation of threats and their impacts on biodiversity in these protected areas is very critical. But limited information, needed to develop strategies for mitigation of the ever-growing threats, is available on the biophysical resources and threats to them. This paper presents for the first time, detailed information on the Exceptional Resource Values (ERVs), Principal Ecosystem Components (PECs; or conservation targets), and human-induced threats in the Kafta-Sheraro National Park (KSNP). Standard ecological and social science methods were used to collect and analyze the data. Overall, 14 key ERVs were identified in the park, including several conservation concerns and/or flagship mammal species (e.g. African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)), biome-restricted and migratory bird species (e.g., Demoiselle crane (Anthropoides virgo)), three distinct habitat types, and a hydrological system. Six PECs that were assumed to represent the whole ecosystem components of the park were identified in KSNP: the three habitat types, hydrological system, Elephant, and Roan antelope (Hippotragus equines). The top human-induced threats to these PECs appeared to be fire, cultivation, grazing, settlement, poaching, and mining. In general, KSNP contains outstanding biodiversity and other natural resources that could play a vital role in the socio-economic development of local and regional communities. To ensure the long-term persistence of the ERVs and PECs and the appropriate functioning of the park ecosystems the development and implementation of threat mitigation strategies are required.


African Journals Online (AJOL)








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