1. 1. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI)1800.01F, Officer Professional Military Education Policy (Washington, DC: Joint Chiefs of Staff, 15 May 2020).
2. 2. Gen David H. Berger, Commandant's Planning Guidance: 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps (Washington, DC: Headquarters Marine Corps, July 2019); and Education for Seapower Strategy 2020 (Washington, DC: Department of the Navy, 2020).
3. 3. Definitions of wargaming vary across the literature on the topic and are often differentiated by their association with particular disciplines (e.g., modeling and simulation), incorporation of technology, purpose, or specific design features. This article's definition seeks to encompass wargaming practice more broadly, establishing some commonality for the practice of assessment. For more, see Peter P. Perla, Peter Perla's the Art of Wargaming: A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists, ed. John Curry, 2d ed. (Bristol, UK: Lulu.com, 2011); and Yuna Huh Wong et al., Next-Generation Wargaming for the U.S. Marine Corps: Recommended Courses of Action (Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2019), https://doi.org/10.7249/RR2227.
4. 4. CJCSI 1800.01F, Officer Professional Military Education Policy.
5. 5. Yuna Wong and Garrett Heath, "Is the Department of Defense Making Enough Progress in Wargaming?," War on the Rocks, 17 February 2021. For more on this topic, also see Yuna Wong, "Developing an Academic Discipline of Wargaming," King's Warfighting Network, London, 16 January 2019, YouTube video, 1:29:27 min.