Analysis of the performance of combat missions by military units and separate units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the Joint Forces operation in the east of Ukraine (anti-terrorist operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions) and during the full-scale armed aggression by the russian of the russian federation indicates a significant change in the modern forms and methods of use of troops (forces), which leads to the need to improve existing and find new ways of performing logistical support tasks, in particular, the restoration of damaged samples of weapons and military equipment. In the main provisions of the well-known methodology for determining the quantitative and qualitative composition of field repair brigades for the restoration of weapons and military groups of anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, damaged during the conduct of hostilities, the specifics of combat operations of units of anti-aircraft missile troops in modern armed conflicts and factors that can to influence the organization and implementation of logistical support for the repair and restoration of anti-aircraft missile weapons. A methodology for determining the quantitative and qualitative composition of field repair teams for the restoration of damaged weapons and military equipment of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was developed and proposed. The methodology is aimed at the use of logistical support bodies when conducting operational-tactical and logistical calculations at the stages of early, direct planning and conducting combat operations. The methodology is one of the components in the creation of a methodological apparatus for the functioning of the system of restoring weapons and military equipment, the process of supporting the decision on the logistical support of troops (forces) during the preparation and conduct of hostilities (military operations). This technique can be used as a basis for the development of similar techniques for assessing the possibility of restoring the armament and military equipment of other branches of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification
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