
Hrubel M.ORCID,Parashchuk D.ORCID,Voloshchuk M.ORCID,Shulhin A.ORCID


The article is devoted to the importance of modern diagnostics of military automotive equipment (MAE) in Ukraine to ensure timely and high-quality maintenance and repair, especially amid the full-scale invasion and a large-scale war. With the increasing number of the latest models equipped with advanced electronic systems, the demand for qualified specialists and equipment for their diagnostics maintenance and repair is growing. The article examines recent research and publications in this field, and discusses maintenance and repair strategies, as well as the potential for implementing the latest diagnostic technologies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Special attention is given to diagnosing Soviet-made samples and the necessity of developing universal methods to ensure their effective maintenance and repair. The article analyzes the capabilities of computer diagnostics of automobile systems as well as provides a detailed analysis of sensors that allow you to determine the current technical condition of a vehicle. In addition, the article describes a motor testing device, its technical capabilities as for computer diagnostics of vehicles that are not equipped with sensors. The results of technical diagnostics of a military vehicle using a motor testing device are also presented. The article highlights the importance of developing a universal methodology for technical diagnostics that would take into account recent achievements and a high-level of diagnostics for MAE samples of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A universal methodology for effective diagnostics of the MAE samples of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is proposed. The methodology is based on a detailed description of computer diagnostics, taking into account the importance of the motor tester and the research conducted with its assistance.


State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification

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