
Ivanov D.ORCID,Oliinyk R.ORCID,Zhivetc Yu.ORCID,Ivanova V.ORCID


The article reveals the essence of the concept of network-centric warfare, outlines the main requirements for network-centric military control systems when they are used in modern wars (combat operations) to ensure automated control of high-tech armed forces. This article examines the current state and prospects for the development of intelligence-strike systems. Reconnaissance and strike systems are key elements of modern military operations, providing the ability to conduct reconnaissance missions and conduct strikes against enemy targets. The article analyzes modern reconnaissance and strike systems, including unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles and other means. Their technical characteristics, possibilities and limitations are studied. Also considered are the main challenges and trends that affect the development of intelligence-strike systems, such as the expansion of the use of artificial intelligence and the increase of autonomy of systems. This article examines the role of intelligence-strike systems in the context of network-centric warfare. In modern military conflicts, where information technology and network interaction play a key role, reconnaissance and strike systems are becoming an integral part of strategic planning and combat effectiveness. The article analyzes the impact of network-centric warfare on intelligence and strike systems. The main characteristics and requirements for these systems for effective operation in the conditions of network warfare are considered. The latest technologies that can increase the effectiveness of intelligence-strike systems in such conditions are being investigated, including artificial intelligence, data analytics and autonomy. Based on the analysis, the article provides recommendations for the further development of reconnaissance and strike systems. Ways to improve their effectiveness, to ensure better coordination between reconnaissance and strike functions, and to ensure greater security and resistance to enemy countermeasures are proposed. The presented material should be used both by the management staff and scientists of the armed forces when developing operational-tactical requirements for network-centric management systems of military purpose, as well as by management bodies when evaluating their functioning in order to choose possible ways to implement certain measures to improve their ability to perform tasks as assigned.


State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification

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