The article describes the trends in development, tactics, composition, and construction of Russia's electronic warfare means, as well as the primary objectives of interference. It describes methods effectively employed on the battlefield to reduce the impact of enemy EW assets on the navigation data quality of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The general concept of using CRPA (Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna) for military users' navigation is outlined.
Experiments were conducted to assess the influence of EW means on one of the most popular CRPAs with four antenna elements in real conditions of active combat. Flights were carried out simultaneously by two UAVs, the first equipped with CRPA and the second integrated with a standard GNSS receiver. The flights were conducted under identical conditions, simultaneously conducting reconnaissance of the same targets. Data on the average height loss of navigation signal reception for UAVs were obtained.
According to the experiment results, the integration of CRPA with four antenna elements can be effective for strike UAVs with weapon release systems that require precise positioning for target engagement, provided that the flight altitude of such UAVs does not exceed 150-250 meters in areas with minimal enemy EW interference. Otherwise, it is recommended to use CRPA with 8 or more elements or explore other promising technologies.
Recommendations for integrating the aforementioned antennas are developed, and the accompanying issues associated with their application are discussed. The article also outlines options for expanding CRPA integration capabilities and ways to upgrade their software and hardware components.
State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification
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