The level of development of the defense sector directly depends on the degree of accumulation of knowledge in the latest technologies and the efficiency of this process, since the accumulation of the results of yesterday's scientific achievements cannot bring the state to new high technologies today or in the future.
With the ever-increasing amount of information to be processed to make effective decisions, as well as the shrinking time to make a decision (this is especially true for systems operating in real time), the use of automation tools in the era of armament systems development is a necessity.
The use of the mathematical theory of research planning allows us to develop a coherent logical scheme and develop optimal conditions for solving all stages of determining the movement of an air object.
Based on the results of measurement processing and analysis, the correctness of the object's functioning is assessed. These operations are interdependent. If the experiment reveals a malfunction, an additional analysis is performed to localize the defects and determine their causes, after which appropriate modifications are made to the facility and, if necessary, changes are made to the test program and methodology.
The concept of a mathematical model is now widely used to describe the processes occurring in complex technical systems. A mathematical model is built on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the system's behavior and extensive use of statistical research results. It must be complete enough to adequately describe the system, but also simple enough to allow the resulting algorithms to be implemented on electronic computers.
In addition, in order to perform measurement processing, i.e. to obtain estimates of measured values, and the experiment as a whole, to determine the estimation of characteristics describing the object, it is necessary to know the structure and statistical characteristics of the signal that is being processed. Measurement information can be a continuous random process, a discrete random process, a continuous or discrete random sequence. The measurement information of a multidimensional information and measurement system is described in the form of discrete random sequences.
State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification
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