The relevance of issues related to the justification of the rational approaches to the combat operations planning using unmanned aircraft systems, which are now assigned the main role in attacking the enemy by fire, necessitates the development of methods for evaluating such actions. The issue of increasing the survivability of unmanned aircraft systems under combat conditions is of important applied importance. The subject of the study is the unmanned aircraft systems application under the conditions of enemy action planning process. The article uses operations research methods. The purpose of the work is to develop a simulation model in the form of an algorithm, that allows conducting process research based on quantitative estimates and substantiating decisions aimed at increasing the survivability of unmanned aircraft systems under conditions of enemy action. By varying the parameters of the simulation model, it becomes possible to develop the most rational solutions for the unmanned aircraft systems use, ensuring the maximum level of their survivability under the specific conditions of combat operations. A simulation model is proposed, with the help of which it is possible to quantitatively evaluate decisions regarding the tactics of using UAV and finding ways to increase the level of their survivability under the conditions of enemy fire. During the implementation of the proposed model, statistics of the results of the simulated fire impact are accumulated, that allows to calculate estimates of the probability of UAV, deployed at the launching positions, to get various degrees of damage. By varying the specified parameters, it becomes possible to develop the most rational solutions aimed at increasing the survivability of UAV under the specific conditions of combat activities performing. The proposed simulation model for the survivability of unmanned aircraft systems assessment may be used in the decision support system for the appropriate level commander.
State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification
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