
Havrylenko A.ORCID


This article analyzes the use of artificial intelligence technologies in military systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the modern areas of information technology. The history of human-like mechanisms development dates back to ancient times and has gone through a complex evolutionary path from myths and legends about the first androids, mechanical chess players and other complex mechanisms with human behaviour to modern autonomous robots. The first research on AI in the modern sense began almost immediately since the appearance of the first computers. Since the late 1950s, AI researchers have been trying to create smart machines that mimic the brain. AI has become a key technology in various industries, including the military, in recent decades. Thanks to its characteristics, AI transforms traditional strategies and tactics into a military art. Various aspects of the artificial intelligence use are discussed, in particular autonomous weapons systems, forecasting and analytics, cybersecurity and strategic planning. The advantages and opportunities provided by the use of artificial intelligence by military formations are highlighted, as well as attention is drawn to the ethical and legal aspects of this issue. Artificial intelligence technologies open up new opportunities for the military in many aspects, from autonomous systems to analytics and strategic planning. However, it is also important to take into account the ethical and legal aspects of these technologies use, as well as the risks associated with their implementation. A balanced approach to the use of artificial intelligence will help ensure its effective application in military systems. The article focuses on the importance of a balanced approach to the artificial intelligence technologies use for military purposes, taking into account their capabilities and risks.


State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification

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