Design and Validation of Water Based Dense Dielectric Patch Antenna (DDPA) for Microwave Communication around Frequency of 1GHz


Mukhtar Madiha,Niazi Shahab Ahmad,Kumar Dileep,Fayyaz Umar,Munir Abid


Liquid antennas are distinct types of antennas that have been widely used due to their low profile, reconfigurable, and tunable features with steering abilities. In this paper, a low profile, high directivity, and good efficiency reconfigurable Water-Dense Dielectric Patch Antenna (DDPA) fed by the coaxial probe is presented. Distilled water becomes lossy above 1 GHZ frequency, so it is best suitable for lower-frequency applications. A thick substrate between the water patch and the ground plane is used. An impedance bandwidth of 7% with a maximum gain of 7.78 dBi, and radiation efficiency up to 71 % is obtained. This antenna can operate over the 967 to 1038 MHz band without a reduction in radiation efficiency. Simulated results are presented to validate the new design in both CST microwave studio and ANSYS HFSS which are the best simulating software for antenna designing. The comparison shows that the new antenna has a more compact size, and simpler structure, and is suitable for low-frequency applications.


Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology







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