Information Science Under the Conditions Created by the New Classification of Fields and Scientific Disciplines: Opening a Balance Sheet


Woźniak-Kasperek JadwigaORCID


Objective – Recapitulation of the specific nature of information science and information research undertaken in the conditions of the reorganization of academic life in Poland after the introduction of a new classification of fields and scientific and artistic discipline by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Methods – A method of analysis and criticism of the literature was used. Results and conclusions – (1) actions are necessary to strengthen the status of information and book studies as a sub-discipline of media and social communication studies; (2) There is a need to open all parties to conscious and critical search for new common areas and research problems. Originality and cognitive value – Discussion about the status and future of the sciences of social communication and media and their components is now an urgent and inalienable need of the academic community if we want to improve the quality of research and strengthen our position within the Polish system of sciences and in a new discipline.


Polish Librarians' Association


General Medicine

Reference12 articles.

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