1. 1. Budak, V.P., Kovyrkova, M.D., Makarov, D.N., Minaeva, S. Yu., Skornyakova, A.A. Lighting design: education of creative abilities among lighting engineering students [Svetodizajn: vospitanie tvorcheskih sposobnostej u studentov-svetotekhnikov] // Svetotekhnika, 2019, # 1, pp. 80–83.
2. 2. DIAL: Light is our profession [Electronic resource]: User’s Guide // Official website of the program developer. URL: https://www.dial.de/en-GB/ (date of application 25.06.2023).
3. 3. Light-in-Night. URL: http://www.light-in-night.com (date of application 25.06.2023).
4. 4. 3ds Max Software [Electronic resource]: User’s Guide // Official website of the program developer. URL: https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max (date of application 25.06.2023).
5. 5. Adobe Photoshop [Electronic resource]: User’s Guide // Official website of the program developer. URL: https://www.adobe.com/ru/products/photoshop (date of application 25.06.2023).