Development of a Hyperspectral System with Controlled Spectral, Spatial, and Radiometric Resolution
Container-title:Light & Engineering
Shipko Vladimir V.1, Pozhar Vitold E.2, Machikhin Alexander S.2, Balandin Ivan A.2, Borzov Sergey M.3, Lushchik Alexander V.4, Kiselev Alexander V.4
1. Air Force Military Training Centre 2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University 3. IA&E SB RAS 4. VUNC VVS
An approach to the construction of a hyperspectral system is proposed and justified, providing control of spectral, spatial, and radiometric (brightness) resolution, which opens up the possibility of hyperspectral monitoring of objects with limited computing resources and bandwidth of the video data transmission channel. Spectral resolution control is supposed to be carried out on the basis of tuneable, software-controlled acousto-optic filters, spatial resolution control – based on modern CMOS matrix technologies with the “active pixel” function, digitalization control of the images obtained – based on the developed analogy-to-digital converter with tuneable quantization level. Modelling using experimental data has shown the possibility of implementing a sufficiently reproducible classification of hyperspectral images with a decrease in their spectral, spatial, and radiometric resolutions.
Redakcia Zhurnala Svetotekhnika LLC
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