Application of High-Brightness LEDs for Simultaneous Measurement of Radiation Scattering and Fluorescence Characteristics in Sea Water


Young – gon Lee Michael1,Shybanov Eugene B.1,Martynov Oleg V.1


1. Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science


The studies of radiation scattering and fluorescence in sea environment are required for more precise description of radiation behaviour in the upper layers of ocean and diagnostics of environmental condition of seawaters. Application of high-brightness LEDs allowed us to develop a unique method and device for studying of scattering properties and fluorescence of natural waters. Brief descriptions of the device (nephelometer) design and the results of its testing are given. The main advantage of the proposed method is controlled accountancy of the effect of coherent scattering on the results of measurements. Measurements of characteristics of all types of scattering are made by means of one device and using one sample.


Redakcia Zhurnala Svetotekhnika LLC


General Medicine

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