1. Efimov A.V. Colour + shape. Art of the 20th and 21st centuries (painting, sculpture, installation, land art, digital art) // Moscow: BuksMart, 2014, 616 p. Illustrated.
2. Cumming R. Complete encyclopedia. Art// Moscow: AST Astrel, 2007, 512 p. Illustrated.
3. Koleichuk V.F. Kineticism. Album. Series: New Art. XX century//Moscow, Galart, 1994, 160 p. Illustrated.
4. Migalina I.V., Shchepetkov N.I. Colour in the architectural environment// Textbook, Moscow: MARKHI, 2018.
5. Shchepetkov N.I. Light design of the city // Moscow: Architecture-S, 2006, 317 p. Illustrated.