An Evaluation of the Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Effects of the Rabaz Revolts in the context of immigration in Andalusia


GÖK Murat1


1. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi


The land of Andalusia has hosted the Islamic civilization in Europe for centuries. In this period, some political, economic, and cultural developments was occurred. The effects of the incidents occurred were not only limited to that geography but were felt in many regions in terms of their results. The subject of our research is the Rabaz Revolt, which took place during the reign of Andalusian emir I. Hakam, and the effects of this revolt in Andalusia and the impacts of the people who were exiled after the revolt to Maghrib, Alexandria and Crete where they were exiled. This issue is important in terms of understanding the atmosphere that Muslims breathed in Europe at the beginning of the ninth century, and evaluating the political environment in Andalusia, as well as seeing the great effects of the revolts that occurred from time to time, and what great developments the Muslims implemented in different centers with the exiles. With this study, it was aimed to reveal what kind of changes took place in different centers with the manner of rule of the Cordoba-based administration and the influence of exiled people to the places where they were exiled in the Hakam b. Hisham period, and to reveal the results of the migration. While presenting this study, first the earliest sources on the subject were taken as a basis and then current studies were also benefited from. The different views and ideas claimed by the studies carried out in this field have been evaluated, analyzed, and been discussed in accordance with the historical methodology.


Mevzu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

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