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3. 3) 中島耕一:固体表面からの電子放出(エキソ電子)による表面研究の現状,表面化学,4, 2(1983)73.
4. 4) P.A. Rehbinder:Investigation of the influence of the surface energy of a crystal on its mechanical properties when the surface tension of its faces is lowered by the introduction of surface-active substances into working medium, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of Russian Physicists, Compendium of Lectures[ロシア語], Gosizdat, Moscow(1928)29.
5. 5) V.I. Likhtman, P.A. Rehbinder and G.V. Karpenko:Effect of Surface-active Media on the Deformation of Metals, Chemical Publishing Company (1960).