In our continuous effort to consolidate the journal DRC Sustainable Future, we encounter a somewhat similar situation, a kind of Catch-22, applicable to publishing in a recently launched science journal. Our periodical is peer-reviewed and free of all publication and processing charges (so, it is not a predatory journal), and it has a sound international editorial board. Nevertheless, authors refrain from submitting their manuscripts to the journal, as it has not yet been entered in the database of Scopus or ISI Web of Science. In other words, so far, the journal has not earned an impact factor, and it cannot receive one wPagiet:heo16u1/t164publishing articles of broad interest to the scientific community. For publishing such papers, one needs high rating of the journal, translated in an impact factor. This dilemma is, indeed, difficult to solve. Our dedicated authors, scientists from 11 countries of 5 continents made it possible to publish 2 volumes with 2 issues per year, a total of over 40 papers, which received numerous citations. We are confident that our co-workers will get rewarded soon when the journal will be included in the Scopus and/or ISI Web of Science database.
Our present issue expands our targeted realm of sustainability to the fields of transportation, architecture, education, and sustainability of the process of innovation. Editors of DRC Sustainable Future are hopeful that the fourth issue of the journal contains several interesting papers, appealing to a wide segment of the scientific community.
Our second issue of volume 2 of DRC Sustainable Future benefits of both interesting topics and famous authors.
Genesis Sustainable Future Ltd.