Role of an Educational Advisor from the Viewpoint of Professors and Students: A Qualitative Study from Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Joveini Hamid,Shahrabadi Reza,Mehri Ali,Hashemian Masoumeh


Introduction: Professor of the educational advisor is responsible for the academic and counselling guidance of students in educational, research and social fields. Also should be familiar with all the indicators of the consultation and be aware of duties and responsibilities. The study aims to explain the features of the professor of an educational advisor from the viewpoint of professors and students from Sabzevar University of medical sciences, Iran. Methods: In this qualitative study, participants were selected using purposive sampling, and it continued based on snowball and theoretical sampling. A semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. A total of 27 participants (12 Professors and 15 Students of medical science) were interviewed in 2 months. Interviews were analyzed using Graham and Landman’s content analysis method. To ensure consistency and accuracy of data, credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability criteria were assessed. Results: Nine main categories were conceptualized including “Improper notification in task description”, “Permanent and voluntary inaccessibility”, “Teacher-student relationship in the teaching process”, “Attention to students' comments and access”, “Lack of knowledge of task description”, “Refer to other professors”, “Specialization”, “Strengthen teacher-student relationship”, “Follow up on student affairs”. Conclusion: Based on results, holding workshops to learn about the duties of a professor of educational advisor and the techniques of counselling, and to pay attention to student demands such as the right to choose, can be effective in improving students' satisfaction and solving their problems.


Sciencedomain International







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