Objective: To determine the frequency of satisfactory outcome after Surgical Management in Isolated Orbitozygomatic fractures.
Study Design: Case series Descriptive study.
Place and Duration: Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical Health Science, Jamshoro ,from 11thAugust 2020 to10thMarch 2021.
Methodology: Total 87 patients of Isolated Orbitozygomatic fractures with Enophthalmos and or Diplopia were included. All patients were operated, open reduction and internal fixation of zygoma at 3 points. Postoperatively Diplopia was ruled out by a range of eye movements and Enophthalmos was measured by Hertel Exophthalmometer. Final assessment was done after six weeks postoperatively. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Stratification was done and poststratification chi square test or t-test was applied. P-value ≤0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: There was 85.1% male and 14.9% female. Mean age was 33.45±7.93 years. 73.6% were classified as ASA-I and 26.4% were classified as ASA-II. At first, third and sixth week, 4.6% patients were found with positive upward gaze, 2.3% with positive down gaze, 0% with positive horizontal gaze and 2.3% with positive secondary peripheral gaze while 85.1% with < 3 mm Enophthalmoson Hertel Exopthelmommeter and 13(14.9%) with >3 mm Enophthalmoson Hertel Exopthelmommeter. The satisfactory outcome was 88.5%.
Conclusion: Our study results showed 88.5% satisfactory outcome. The long-term prognosis after repair of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures is very good.
Sciencedomain International