The etiology of mandibular fractures includes mainly assaults and road traffic automobile accidents. Additionally, fall and sports injuries are the foremost common causes for mandibular fractures. Mandibular fractures outnumbered zygomatic and maxillary fractures by a ratio of 6:2:1, respectively. Road traffic accidents is that the most typical etiology, followed by assaults and sport-related injuries. For the management of maxillofacial trauma, the treatment commonly done is open reduction and Internal Fixation using miniplates. Lag screws as compared with plates, have a plus of the necessity of minimum implant material which they also provide maximum stability. The lag screw placement is a simple method of rigid fixation. The choice of the lag screw technique depends on patient factors, kind of fracture, site of fracture, and thus the skill of surgeon. The aim of this review is to assess the efficiency of Lag Screws for the management of maxillofacial trauma.
Sciencedomain International