Effectiveness of Visual Intervention Tool in Improving LATCH Score in Mothers


Pramodita S.,Sudarsanan Harish,Asha A.,Benazer H,Kumutha J.


Background: World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breast feeding for at least 6 months and thereafter until the child is 2 years of age which has largely been achieved by Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative put forth by WHO. The vital role played by mother in breastfeeding delivers passive immunity and nutrients to the child and for it to be practiced in an effective way, counselling and education is neededfor postpartum mothers. For an objective evaluation of effectiveness of breastfeeding counselling with visual aids in our unit, LATCH scoring was used to assess breastfeeding quality. Materials and Methods: Breastfeeding education was given to postpartum mothersin the form of video assisted teaching as intervention. Pre and post intervention LATCH score were done to assess the quality of breastfeeding. Score for Latching (L), Audible swallowing (A), Type of nipple (T), Mother comfort (C), Help needed (H) were scored as 0,1 or 2. The total maximum score was 10 and minimum was 0. Maternal and neonatal demographic data and LATCH scores were collected and analyzed. Results: The difference between pre intervention and post intervention mean LATCH score was statistically significant. Conclusion: The visual intervention helped the mothers to understand breastfeeding techniques and lactate effectively.


Sciencedomain International








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